Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Use of Self Impact of Past Experiences on Future Practice

ndividual Personality Attributes My main personality traits drawn from impacts of previous experiences include introversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness, optimism and anxiety. Introversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experiences are apart of the Big Five Personality Factors established by Goldberg (1990). Introversion describes an individual who is reserved, quiet and timid which I believe I am in a large amount of circumstances characterised by my tendency to spend more time listening and disliking being the centre of attention in large groups. Being introverted could be beneficial to my social work practice because it allows me to be client centred, engage my active listening skills and feel†¦show more content†¦This will have a potentially negative effect on my future practice, as it could potentially inhibit m work quality and interactions with clients and co-workers, to minimise its effects I will need to be aware and use coping te chniques to reduce anxiety and ensure feelings of confidence. Personality attributes affect on conflict management style Conscientiousness, agreeableness, introversion and openness to experience all contribute to my conflict management style where I value cooperation and collaboration. Which would place me into a cooperativeness style of conflict management as identified by Yelsma and Brown (1985) and a collaboration and problem style approach by identified by Daves and Hollands’ (1989) revision of Follett (1924) conflict styles approach. Personality theories created by Freud, Jung and Adler are constantly being refined by current researchers and have been used to link personality attributes to conflict management styles with the belief that individual behaviour is inherently influence by personality (Daves Holland, 1989). Introversion may be seen as a negative personality trait by some but I feel it will enable me in future social work situations to effectively listen and understand another persons view while agreeableness will allow me to display cooperation and understanding in order to obta in a positive outcome for both parties. Being open will allow me to be reflective and creative in conflict situations,Show MoreRelatedMajor Categories Of Direct Practice1306 Words   |  6 Pagescan competently implement, identify, and describe the four major categories of direct practice in my own practice. 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