Sunday, May 17, 2020

General Education Teacher Faces Obstacles Every Single Day

General education teacher faces obstacles every single day. The teacher not only needs to be well skilled and educated to introduce the concept to the students, but also needs to include all students equally in the learning process. Moreover, teacher should understand how diverse students learn and what kind of students with disabilities teacher can expect in the classroom. Students with learning disabilities can challenge almost every general education teacher because of their specific learning characteristics that are an integral part of their life. Charlita is an example of a student who has some cognitive weaknesses of learning disabilities including short-term memory, problem-solving, math-comprehension, reading, linguistic, and or verbal comprehension. Therefore, her IEP will be developed based on her struggles to support and improve her weaknesses. Charlita’s IEP team, which includes the parents, worked on special education services to help the student improve at school. In addition, as a foundation for higher achievement, the IEP team will identify: Charlita’s current level of learning or performance, but also the effect or impact of her disability on learning. This process is compared to planning a trip to another country. You need to know where you are starting, as well as any challenges that you can encounter. Based on Charlita’s file, the spelling and reading decoding skills are significantly below her ability. She appears to perform better on nonverbal basedShow MoreRelatedStudents With The Tools And Strategies1708 Words   |  7 Pagesgoal for every teacher is to equip their students with the tools and strategies they need to be successful. Educator’s today are faced with many obstacles in order to meet the academic and emotional needs of all students in their classroom. 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