Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sociology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sociology - Research Paper Example This paper analyses the value of religion in our social life. Even though, the creator has not created any religions in the world, he has given the ability to human kind in segregating good and evil. This ability varies with individuals and hence they started to interpret things differently which resulted in the formation of different beliefs and finally different religions in the world. One of the common elements of all the religions is that all of them work for the conservation of good values or ethical principles. No religion, either believe or advocate immoral things. Thus, for sustaining good values in the society all religions play an important role. All the religions have some kind of worship place; for Christians, it is church, for Muslims, Mosques are used for worshipping god, Hindus uses temples while the Jews use Synagogues as their worship places. One of the common elements of these places is that all these entities are places where lot of people assemble for the worship activities. It is a place where all the people assemble for the same objective; worshipping. Immense socializing is taking place in these types of places which strengthen the social bonding between the people. â€Å"Socialization is the process by which children and adults learn from others. We begin learning from others during the early days of life; and most people continue their social learning all through life†(What is the socialization process?) It provides the individual with the skills and habits necessary for leading a successful social life. A society functions through shared norms, attitudes, values, motives, social roles, symbols and languages. Family, school, friendship, religion or worship places etc are some of the major socializing agents in the society. I belong to a Christian, community and I can safely say that my religion has played an important role in shaping my personality and views related to morality

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Qualities of Leaders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Qualities of Leaders - Assignment Example There can be a list of leadership qualities in the personality of Jeff Bozos (Anders, 2012). It is famous that Bezos always keeps an eye on system thinking. He always adds customers as an important member in the meetings. He is always planning for a long-term approach. Initially his investments may look like wastage but it may reap profits in the end. Failure is not a problem for him, but surely, he prefers to be creative and inventive. He always believes on a participative decision-making and due to this reason, he always prefers customer feedback. He is famous for giving values to his employees. Every single person at Amazon is considered as the Amazon Leader. Steve Jobs is a person who is considered as a very strong and successful leader; but there are some negative traits associated with his leadership style (Sander, 2011). It is famous that he was a bit arrogant towards other people. For involving all the team members, there should be a friendly environment in the organization. A good communication is badly needed between the leader and the team members. In case of his leadership, the communication element was missing. There were no training programs for the staff members. A good leader should keep his team members updated. Feedback is also another important part of business cycle and in his case there was no clear system to collect feedback. Sander, B. (2011), ‘Unforgiveable Leadership Mistakes That Steve Jobs Made’, Sanders Consulting Group, retrieved on July 6, 2014 from